Thursday, May 12, 2011


I love surprises. Wait, let me rephrase that. I love GOOD surprises. Birthday presents, spontaneous weekend getaways, an unexpected promotion, flowers for no reason. That's all good. Unexpected layoffs, favorite friends and relatives who pass too soon, a flooded basement (and negative campaign mailers full of inaccuracies, LOL), not so good.

Well, I was able to organize a good surprise for Lower gift to you, regardless of the outcome of next week's primary. As I have campaigned, knocking on hundreds of doors in the Township over the last couple of months, it's something that many people (whether they can vote for me or not) have told me is high on their 'wish list' for this Township. I am thrilled to be able to bring it to you.

Stay should be delivered tomorrow.

1 comment:

Chris Beatrice said...

Darn and I moved out of the Township and won't get no gifts :(