How many times a year do
you get hit up to make a charitable donation? 3? 10? 50?? 50 from one
organization alone?? Whatever that number is, most people feel it’s too often.
The solicitations can be expected to continue as the economy remains flat, many
institutions aren’t cutting spending and any available tax revenue is spread
According to the results
of a 2012 survey conducted by, “Most donors are getting savvier
about their philanthropy, often researching causes before they make their
gifts.” The site also notes that donors
told them they’d be more likely to give more if they saw more tangible evidence
of results, and in breaking down some donor demographics observed that middle-aged donors in particular want to be shown a clear
idea of where the funds raised are going…to know that the charity they donate
to is the best of all organizations working on that particular mission. In
short, prospective funding sources are doing their homework and demanding
That’s good news for
organizations like the Education Foundation for the Methacton Community, a local nonprofit
that’s been in existence since 2009 and one that meets all those donor requirements. A registered legitimate 501(c)3 charity,
its mission is to ‘ensure the highest level of educational innovation –
supporting students, faculty and staff through a partnership with our
community’. The Foundation partners with Methacton School District to help
identify needs and funding gaps in order to make monetary grants to help foster
specific programs that are outside the scope of the district’s budget, enhance
the school curriculum, and help meet long-term capital needs the school
district has identified.
The money raised by the
Foundation stays in the community, and its impact can be readily seen and felt.
Chances are good that your children or grandchildren, or those of someone you
know, have benefitted directly or indirectly by the numerous projects that this
connection between the community and the classroom have funded over the years,
such as:
of the planetarium at Arcola/Skyview including the addition of a new telescope
to arts, music and athletics programs
car club projects
mobile environmental lab / outdoor classroom
recent $10,000 donation toward the field improvement project (installation of
turf fields) to benefit future Methacton athletes
The Foundation receives
requests from the school district administration, individual teachers, club
sponsors etc. for projects that need funding, and their Board of Directors
votes on whether to fund a specific project. Board members include former
teachers and Home & School officers, and most have current Methacton students
and/or graduates in their families. Several are themselves Methacton grads. The
Board also includes a current school board member and a current township
Additionally, the
Foundation is eligible for Pennsylvania tax credits via their designation as an
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Organization (EITC). The EITC program is a
part of the PA Department of Community and Economic Development which accepts
contributions from local businesses to support innovative educational programs
in public schools, as well as scholarships for kids attending accredited K-12
private schools or qualified and approved pre-K programs. Businesses can
receive PA tax credits for their contributions under this program, the
percentage varying according to the length of the gift.
And, the Foundation is
also an approved United Way donor designate. If your workplace has a campaign
underway, just enter United Way entity code 48856 when you complete your donor

The golf outing is not
the only upcoming fundraiser. Perhaps you might be interested in the 3rd
annual Warrior Cross Country 5K and Fun Run/Walk (and pancake breakfast!) coming
up November 2, or the holiday house tour on December 7. Other fundraisers are
scheduled for 2015.
For more information on
this charity, grant criteria, and more details for each fundraiser, please
visit the Foundation’s website at or submit questions to
And while we’re on the
subject, several other worthy community charities that would very much
appreciate donations include the Lower Providence Community Center Ambulance
(in the process of constructing their new facility at the Township complex) and
the Lower Providence Fire Department.